Human resource management, Organizational communication, Engagement, Life insurance agentsAbstract
The objectives of this study were 1) to study the key components of efficiency of human resource management, quality of organizational communication, and engagement of life insurance agents, and 2) to study the efficiency model of human resource management for the quality of organizational communication, and engagement of life insurance agents. The data were collected with convenience sampling from 450 life insurance agents in Bangkok and its vicinity, who have worked for at least 3 years. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis with structural equation modelling. The results of this study reveal that the most important factor for engagement of life insurance agents was their pride to be a part of the organization. The most important factor for quality of organizational communication was the integration of communication in the organization. The most important factor for the efficiency of human resource management was task assignment for optimization. In addition, engagement of life insurance agent model was collectively and significantly influenced by the efficiency of human resource management (TE=0.85) and quality of organizational communication (TE=-0.65) with the predictive power of 87.40%, while quality of organizational communication was significantly influenced by the efficiency of human resource management (TE=0.49) with the predictive power of 67.70%.
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