
  • Sarnid Khagsaard Ph.D. Student of Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University
  • Surat Supitchayangkool Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University
  • Banpot Wiroonratch Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University


Corporate Social Responsibility Activities, Community Development, Industrial 4.0



The study's goal was to look at how social responsibility activities influenced the development of communities near industrial estates in the Industrial Age 4.0. This was a qualitative study in which semi-structured interviews were utilized to obtain data from representatives of the establishment who were in charge of managing the organization's CSR efforts in the Amata Industrial Estates in Chonburi and Rayong. At least 14 people from seven different industries (2 from each) were questioned. The Board of Investment categorizes industrial kinds based on investment promotion requests (BOI). The findings demonstrated that the majority of establishments conducted CSR activities in accordance with the ISO 26000 standard. The executives in the establishments exercised social responsibility leadership, and they supported the establishment's CSR efforts. Employees participated in CSR activities. The majority of the businesses stated that they will engage in CSR activities to benefit the surrounding communities, both near and distant from the industrial estate where they were located.


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