
  • Preedaporn Arruksomboon Faculty of Management Science, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, Thailand
  • Nuttapol Buapliansee Faculty of Management Science, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, Thailand


Digital skills, Human resources, Smart city


          This research aims to study the guidelines for developing the digital skills of human resources for government organizations to smart cities of Chachoengsao Province. This research uses a qualitative research methodology. Using in-depth interview methods and focus group discussion, Use a semi-structured interview form with key informants. which selected a specific sample group from executives and practitioners of Chachoengsao provincial government organizations, Community leaders, Academics and professors in sociology, totaling 28 peoples to use the data to analyze the results in a descriptive manner. The results showed that guidelines for developing the digital skills of human resources for government organizations to smart city in Chachoengsao Province consist of 5 dimensions: 1) Knowledge and use of technology as personnel should have skills, knowledge, and understanding of the digital technology usage and be able to perform basic maintenance correctly. 2) Skills in understanding legal policies and standards. The personnel should have the skills to learn about the practices in the digital society. and the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) for legal use. 3) Digital skills for application and development. Personnel should have skills in applying digital technology to work together both within the agency and in public services outside the agency. 4) Skills in using digital technology for planning, managing and leading the organization. Personnel should have digital skills based on their competency in each position and in line with the organization's strategic plan, and 5) Skills in using digital to drive change and creativity. Personnel should have the skills to digitize their work patterns to create innovations. as well as being able to effectively transmit digital usage to the people who receive services


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