
  • Thamma Jairtalawanich Doctoral Student, Department of Higher Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Pansak Polsaram
  • Sirichan Sathirakul Tachaphahapong


Best practices, Higher education , Aging society, Education management


Research study on best practices in higher education management for aging society. The objective of study best practices for educational management of higher education for the aging society, both domestically and internationally. By using a qualitative study methodology by studying the documents and interviews with 5 experts related to education management for the aging society of higher education. Information related to concept and management and planning. Strategies of higher education management for the aging society from 6 countries, namely 1) Japan 2) France 3) England 4) United States of America 5) Singapore and 6) Thailand. Which is found 1) For instructors, should select instructors. Facilitators who have knowledge and basic knowledge of psychology and elderly care. 2) For learners, learning management focuses on the elderly. Study and analyze the elderly enhance knowledge emphasis on activities and hands-on practice, it is measured and evaluated according to actual conditions. There are supplementary activities and performances are shown to encourage students in the elderly group. 3) For executives, there should be networking and cooperation with the public and private sectors. 4) For curriculum, should focus on life courses, professional courses and academic courses, respectively, and 5) For support services, there should be a place and learning materials that are safe enough for the elderly. If comparing the education management system for the elderly in all 6 countries, it was found that the government agencies that hosted learning for the elderly were mostly higher education institutions. For most of the organizations responsible for managing seniors' learning in England and the United States of America, most private agencies manage seniors' learning. While France, Japan and Singapore organized by government and private agencies, but there is also a group of elderly people who are interested in formal education in higher education, which all 6 countries have in common is learning for happiness and focus on learning together between the elderly and students to understanding between the ages this is an experience that many countries and many methods can be applied to Thailand.


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