Online Shopping, Purchase Intention, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, BehaviorAbstract
This paper investigates the online purchase intention and behaviors of graduates in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. The conceptual framework determines the relationship between seven variables; perceived value, perceived risk, trust, satisfaction, service quality, purchase intention, and behavior. The researcher applied the quantitative method of distributing the questionnaire to 500 graduate students (Master’s and Doctor’s) from Sichuan University, Xihua University, and Ginkgo Hotel Management College. The methods used are judgmental, stratified, and convenience sampling. Before the data collection, the item-objective congruence (IOC) was approved at 0.6 or over. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test was accepted at 0.7 or above. The statistical analysis mainly includes Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results revealed the significant effect of perceived value, perceived risk, trust, and satisfaction on purchase intention. Furthermore, purchase intention significantly relates to behavior. Nevertheless, the relationship between service quality and purchase intention is insignificant. The findings help marketers to analyze customer needs and make more accurate strategic decisions based on customer behavior outlook.
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