
  • Yijian Wang Senior High School of Shuangliu Yong'an Middle school, Chengdu, Sichuan


Online Education, System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, Learning Satisfaction


This study aims to measure determinants influencing learning satisfaction art graduates with their online education are during the COVID-19 era at public universities in Sichuan Province. The conceptual framework includes system quality, information quality, service quality, self-efficacy, perceived utility, perceived ease of use, and learning satisfaction. The investigation and research methods involve judgmental, stratified random, and convenience sampling. The target population is 496 participants who are postgraduate students. In order to analyze the data, the researcher utilized confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to evaluate the hypotheses and the relationships between the variables. The findings demonstrate that all hypotheses are supported. This study can therefore be applied to enhance students’ learning efficiency and satisfaction in Sichuan public universities’ online programs for art majors.


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