
  • Yu Zhang Foreign Language Department Sichuan University of Media and Communications


Wine, Young Consumers, Attitudes, Purchase Intention, China


China has become a world leader in wine consumption, especially for wines imported from traditional wine-producing countries and domestically produced in China. Thus, this study determines the factors of quality perception, health benefits, emotional assessment, beliefs, and outcome evaluation influencing young consumers’ attitudes and wine purchase intention in Sichuan, China. This quantitative study obtained data for analysis by distributing questionnaires to the target population. The index of Item–Objective Congruence (IOC), pilot test, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were methods utilized to analyze the data and test the research hypotheses proposed. Results show that health benefits, emotional assessment, and attitude significantly influence purchase intention. Outcome evaluation, health benefits, and beliefs significantly influence attitude. However, Quality perception has no significant influence on purchase intention, and the relationship between emotional assessment and attitude is not supported. In conclusion, wine makes enterprises and distributors should focus on customers’ health benefits, emotional assessment, beliefs, outcome evaluation of wine attitude, and purchasing intention. 


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