
  • Qintao Zhang Ph.D. Candidate, Doctor of Philosophy, Innovative Technology Management, Assumption University
  • Rawin Vongurai Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Program Director, Doctor of Philosophy in Innovative Technology Management, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University


Environmental Concern, Knowledge, Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, Price Sensitivity, Purchase Intention, Purchase Behavior


Purpose: This research aims to investigate the factors which have influence on attitude, purchase intention and purchase behavior of electric vehicles in Thailand. The conceptual framework contains 8 variables, including environmental concern, knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, price sensitivity, purchase intention and purchase behavior. Research design, data and methodology: The study used survey research design and collected valid sample from people who are 18 years old and above, eligible to drive a car (according to the Thai laws), and who have interests in cars and also recently visited the two biggest automotive exhibitions in Thailand. The researcher applied nonprobability sampling technique; judgmental, quota and convenience sampling via online and offline channels. To analyze the data, a confirmatory factor analysis was used where it examined the associations between items and constructs. Afterward, structural equation model (SEM) was applied to investigate the relationships between the constructs. Results: The results established environment concern has a significant influence on knowledge and attitude toward electric vehicle. In addition, attitude, subjective norm and price sensitivity have a significant influence on purchase intention. Furthermore, purchase intention has a significant influence on purchase behavior. On the other hand, knowledge related to electric vehicle was not found to have a significant influence on attitude and perceived behavioral control does not have a significant influence on purchase intention.

Conclusions: This research provides a theoretical and practical guidance for the automotive companies, car dealers and government agencies to have a better understanding of consumer’s purchase decision making process and ultimately implement an appropriate strategy to increase the Thai consumer’s willingness of purchasing an electric vehicle.


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