
  • Hong Dong School of Fine Arts and Design, Chengdu University, China


System Quality, Service Quality, Information Quality, Satisfaction, Continuance Intention


In this study, 495 graduate students majoring in art from four public universities in Chengdu, China, were surveyed about their satisfaction and intention to continue their studies. The researchers used online traditional craft learning as a scenario and combined the TAM and ISS models. The sampling method involves judgmental, quota and convenience sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model were used to establish the association between study variables through quantitative research. The model and hypothesis were validated using SPSS and AMOS tools. According to research findings, user satisfaction and perceived usefulness are directly connected with students’ propensity to use online design education consistently. As a result, to support the long-term growth of traditional craft design education, teachers and teaching management departments in online design education should concentrate on helping students recognize the value of their knowledge and skills and enhance the service quality of online teaching in numerous ways.


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