
  • Xiang Huang Student in Master Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Thongsook College
  • Poompichai Tarndamrong Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration, Thongsook College


Intellectual capital, Human capital, Structural capital, Relational capital, Firm Performance, Law firms


This research aims to study the effect of intellectual capital on the performance of law firms in Beijing, China. The population is law firms in Beijing, China with a total of 320 samples. Use questionnaires as a tool to collect data. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, Beta, t-value, p-value, Cronbach's alpha(α) and Cohen’s F2, and the hypothesis was tested with a t-test, p-test, and PLS-SEM. The results found that: 1) the overall reliability of the questionnaire in this study was very high (Cronbach’s Alpha values of the questionnaire were greater than 0.990, far greater than 0.7). 2) the Path Coefficient of Intellectual Capital Factors in terms of Human Capital was 0.432 (t = 9.383, p-value = .000), and Structural Capital was 0.208 (t = 5.436, p-value= .000), and Relational capital was 0.429 (t = 10.444, p-value = .000), which all 3 components affected the performance of law firms in Beijing, China at a statistically significant level. 000 and together predicted up to 73.9% (R2 = 0.739). 3) The factors that have the most influence on the performance of law firms in Beijing, China are Human capital, Relational capital, and Structural capital the least.


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