E-Learning, Non-Profit Organization, Personal Innovativeness, Attitude, Intention to UseAbstract
This study investigates the factors which are computer self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, user satisfaction, personal innovativeness, and attitude that influence intention to use e-learning management systems among 500 vulnerable women attending non-profit organizations in developing countries. Employing a quantitative research design, the study involved the distribution of self-administered questionnaires to the target population for data collection. The index of item-objective congruence (IOC), pilot testing, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were employed to analyze the data to conclude research findings. The study confirmed the hypotheses concerning the significant influence of computer self-efficacy, attitude, user satisfaction, and personal innovativeness on the Intention to use e-learning systems. However, the hypotheses related to the influence of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and the relationship between perceived usefulness and attitude were not supported in this study. In conclusion, findings highlight attitude's significance, necessitating positive technology views. Personal innovativeness and computer self-efficacy emerge as key, emphasizing tailored training. User satisfaction's role in adoption and user-centric design's importance for intuitive platforms were underscored. Contrary to expectations, ease of use's impact was complex. This research guides e-learning implementation in non-profits, promoting empowerment through education for beneficiaries of a non-profit organization.
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