Trust, Repurchase Intention, Online Shopping Platform, Generation XAbstract
This research demonstrated the factors that influence trust and repurchase intention on online shopping platforms among Generation X consumers in Thailand, by measuring responsiveness, perceived usefulness, enjoyment, customer satisfaction, and perceived value. A quantitative method was grounded and sampling techniques of purposive/judgmental sampling, quota sampling, and convenience sampling were used to reach target respondents. The author has collected a total number of 500 responses from Generation X users who lived in Thailand and prefer shopping through online shopping platforms for analysis. Data collected was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation model (SEM) to test the overall model and research hypotheses proposed. The analysis has posited that responsiveness significant influences trust, while enjoyment is the key contributor to repurchase intention on online shopping platform, followed by trust, perceived value, perceived usefulness, and customer satisfaction. Therefore, to strengthen trust and intention to repurchase on online shopping platform among Generation X, all perspective of service qualities, platform’s design and functionality, and values of products and services offered are vital for implementation.
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