
  • Smita Julakate Special Lecturer and Researcher
  • Thirawut Saengmaneedech Special Lecturer and Researcher


Modern Entrepreneur, Fitness Business, The Seniors


   This academic article objective aims to study how to be a Fitness Business for seniors in Thailand in the areas of 1) The entrepreneur with ideas and knowledge in Fitness Business for the seniors in the modern entrepreneur 2) The entrepreneur with perspectives, concepts, and new attitudes towards the seniors in present era and future. Fitness Business for the Seniors in Thailand. At the moment, this is a very interesting business in the social environment and one that should not be overlooked, when the world society is about to enter a fully ageing society. This is a group that has more influence and a role in the economic and social situation, causing entrepreneurs to turn their attention to the fitness business for the elderly. This article will present the perspectives of fitness business operators for seniors in Thailand and for the person involved to use as basic information for conducting businesses with similar characteristics. Practice guidelines can be used to prepare. and prepare for adjustment. Moreover, to creates a competitive advantage in business and the survival of the organization in the future.


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