Social Influence, Behavior Intentions, TouristsAbstract
This paper investigates the factors influencing Chinese tourists' behavior intention and use behavior of tourism apps. The framework considers perceived destination quality, satisfaction, memorability of a trip experience, performance expectancy, social influence, behavior intentions, and use behavior as variables. A quantitative research method (n=500) was used in this study to survey Chinese tourists who experienced the use of three tourism apps. Sampling methods included judgmental, quota, and snowball sampling. Data analysis included structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis for model fit, reliability, and construct validity. Satisfaction, memorability of the trip experience, performance expectancy, and social influence significantly impact the behavioral intentions and usage behavior of Chinese tourists' app use, with performance expectancy exerting the strongest influence. Furthermore, perceived destination quality significantly influences satisfaction, while behavioral intentions significantly influence usage behavior. In conclusion, the results provide appropriate reference information, and promote more possibilities for Chinese tourist services to create more economic value.
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