Electric Vehicles, Consumers' Attitude, Adoption Intention, ChinaAbstract
This study investigates the determinants of consumer attitudes and adoption intentions toward electric vehicles in Zhejiang Province, China. The conceptual framework determines how environmental concern, subjective norms, knowledge, perceived incentives policy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived fun to use affect attitudes and adoption intentions. The sample (n=460) was collected from online and offline questionnaires using multi-stage sampling, including judgmental, stratified random, and convenient Sampling. The study applied the structural equation model and confirmatory factor analysis to analyze the data to confirm the model's goodness-of-fit and hypothesis. The results indicate that environmental concerns, subjective norms, knowledge, and perceived incentive policies have a significant impact on attitude. Perceived incentive policy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived fun of use have a significant impact on adoption intention. This study provides feasible suggestions for formulating Chinese government policies based on this research result. It provides a basis for optimizing the design of public policies that align with China's national conditions to enhance consumer attitudes and adoption intentions toward electric vehicles.
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