Teacher Job Satisfaction, Influencing Factors, Strategic PlanAbstract
This study aims to investigate factors impacting principal's transformational leadership, principal's transactional leadership, teamwork, training and development, and self-efficacy on teacher job satisfaction. The study used the item-objective congruence (IOC) index as validity and Cronbach's alpha (n=30) as reliability. The 80 valid questionnaires from Sichuan University of Science & Engineering were analyzed using multiple linear regression to verify the significant relationships among the variables. Subsequently, 30 teachers were selected to attend the strategic plan over 14 weeks. Then, paired samples t-tests were conducted to compare the quantitative results of post-strategic and pre-strategic planning. In a multiple linear regression study, the results line principal's transformational leadership, principal's transactional leadership, teamwork, training and development, and self-efficacy are five variables that have a significant effect on teachers' job satisfaction. Finally, the paired samples t-test showed a significant difference between the post-strategic plan stage and the pre-strategic plan stage in terms of teachers' job satisfaction. This study aims to improve teachers' job satisfaction regarding principals' leadership, teamwork, training and development, and self-efficacy to stabilize the teaching force and improve the overall quality of school operations.
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