
  • Zhang Sijia Sichuan University of Media and Communications, China


Usage of Social Media, Utilitarian Value, Social Benefit, Social Overload, Life Satisfaction


This research investigates the various factors influencing the intention to use social media in ten universities. The proposed conceptual framework delineates the causal associations between the usage of social media, utilitarian value, hedonic value, social safeness, share intention, social benefit, social overload, and life satisfaction. The study employed a quantitative methodology with a sample size of 500 participants. Questionnaires were distributed to undergraduate students from ten selected universities who use WeChat. A sampling method was purposive, stratified random, and convenience sampling. The researcher utilized the Structural Equation Model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis techniques to analyze the data, assessing model fit, reliability, and construct validity. The study's findings revealed that utilitarian value significantly influences shared intention. Share intention presented the strongest impact on life satisfaction, followed by social benefit and social overload. Six hypotheses were proven to fulfill research objectives. Hence, it is recommended that social media developers, higher educators, and educators focus on improving social media functions to enhance students' perception of its social benefit and foster a positive attitude and intention toward their life satisfaction.


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