Usefulness, Attitude, E-shopping IntentionAbstract
This study conducted an empirical study on the impacting factors of graduate students' e-shopping at Guangxi University of Science and Technology. The study analyzed the causal relationship perceived value, ease of use, usefulness, trust, customer service, attitude, and e-shopping intention. This study adopted a quantitative method (n=500), distributing questionnaires to graduate students in GXUST, China. The nonprobability sampling contains purposive, quota, and convenience sampling in distributing questionnaires and collecting data online. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the collected data and validate the constructs' model fit, reliability, and validity. The results presented that perceived value, trust, and ease of use significantly impact attitude toward e-shopping, and usefulness has less impact on attitude. Ease of use has a significant impact on usefulness. Attitude reveals the strongest impact on e-shopping intention, followed by customer service. Seven hypotheses have been verified to the survey objectives. Therefore, more and more graduate students can be attracted to e-shopping by creating a good e-shopping environment, innovating e-shopping methods, improving the convenience and usefulness of e-shopping, and improving the quality of e-shopping customer services.
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