Policy Recommendations on the Guidelines of Custodial Measures for "Watch List"




Policy Recommendations on the Guidelines, Watch List


The purpose of this thesis is to examine how to provide a definition of the term “Watch List” and establish measures to classify the term “Watch List” in Thailand in order to recommend approaches on the development of the treatment of “Watch List”. A qualitative approach is selected as research method, through the use of documentary analysis and in-depth interview.

The research findings indicate that the definition of the term “Watch List” is a group of prisoners who exhibit violent criminal behavior that can inflict harms on victims, injured persons, and society. The violent criminal behavior these prisoners exhibit include child sexual abuse and rape, rape and murder or a third-degree rape, serial killer, born criminal, violent offences recidivism, mental criminal, and violent criminal (Pedicide/Mass murder). The findings also point out that there should be measures and approaches on the specific treatments of these prisoners, which must be different from other prisoners. These measures and approaches are crucial as they can be used as criminal precautions and can prevent negative consequences that may be affected by the repeated offences. To successfully establish such measures and approaches, the executives who strongly focus on improving factors contributing to this establishment, which are an enactment of specific law, an establishment of explicit guidelines, and a cooperation between related sub-organizations in the criminal justice system, must assure full support.


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How to Cite

chaichomphu, N., & Terdudomtham, T. . (2022). Policy Recommendations on the Guidelines of Custodial Measures for "Watch List". Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 30(1), 50–90. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/257362



Research Article