Mental Health Literacy and Supports among Thammasat University Lampang Center Students


  • Parinda Tasee Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Mental Health Literacy, Mental health supports, University students


The purpose of this study was to investigate mental health literacy among Thammasat University, Lampang Center students, as well as the guidelines for mental health assistance for Thammasat University, Lampang Center students, using quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. In terms of quantitative research, online questionnaires were used to collect data. 325 students from Thammasat University, Lampang Center, Year 2020 had a confidence level of 0.83 on the Literacy Assessment Tool using stratified random sampling. The qualitative study collected data through group discussions with 14 subjects chosen through purposive sampling. is the chairman of each faculty's student, and then a snowball selection of the key informants of each faculty.

According to the quantitative data analysis, the sample population had a medium level of mental health literacy. When the amount of knowledge in each area was taken into account, the average was 79.08 (S.D. = 8.87). The sample group demonstrated a high level of understanding of mental health information sources. The mean score was 15.66 (S.D. = 2.34), and all other factors, such as knowledge of disease or mental illness, were moderate. The mean was 8.54 (S.D. = 1.78) for understanding on how to obtain therapy or treatment for mental illness. The mean score for understanding of people with mental health problems was 5.72 (S.D. = 1.12). The average score was 30.95 (S.D. = 5.89), and mental illness was associated with attitude. The average score was 24.75 with a standard deviation of 5.21. The qualitative research findings suggest that the student mental health support approach should include a mechanism to assist mental health education training. Public relations work is needed to gain an understanding of the patient's image and the services offered to students. The correct mental health information should be provided, and at the faculty and university levels, stigmatization of people with mental illnesses or mental health difficulties should be reduced. Students experiencing mental health issues would benefit from the increased availability of online counseling or a helpline telephone service. In addition, the frequency and number of people involved in consulting services should be increased.


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How to Cite

Tasee, P. (2022). Mental Health Literacy and Supports among Thammasat University Lampang Center Students. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 30(1), 91–126. Retrieved from