People’s Attitudes Towards the National Defense Roles of the Royal Thai Armed Forces


  • Associate Professor, Auschala Chalayonnavin, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand


Royal Thai Army, People's attitude, Roles and duties in The Royal Thai Armed Forces


This research aims to study people's attitudes towards the roles and duties of the Royal Thai Armed Forces and study the relationship with the personal factors affecting people's attitudes towards these roles and duties.  A research conducted was survey of people's attitudes towards the Royal Thai Armed Forces. A quantitative method was applied using questionnaire and open-ended questions as a tool to collect data concerning people’s attitude.  The population included in this study were: people who are living in the area of ​​the Army Region as specified as Regions 1, 2, 3, and 4. The sample group of 600 people were collected using a simple random sampling method. The research results showed that The Royal Thai Armed Forces received with the highest average at 3.7 for their actual performance. People attitude towards the Royal Thai Armed Forces focusing on their policy management, budget allocation, and personnel operations received an average of 3.66 while they have complaints management system and clarify the details of the operation to public received an average of 3.65. Attitude toward their transparency, fairness and non-discrimination management totaled 3.64 and Lastly, people attitude towards their have channels for all section to inspection and complain administration of the Royal Thai Armed Forces received an average of 3.59. In conclusion, people’s attitudes towards national defense roles in the protection of the monarchy as well as supporting missions gained the highest average satisfaction level at 4.1. People’s satisfaction towards the protection of democracy came next with an average score of 4.06. However, the study found that the people satisfaction over the Royal Thai Armed Forces in terms of policy management, budget allocation, and personnel practices was at the lowest level. In order to develop guidelines to increase people's positive attitudes towards the Royal Thai Armed Forces the following are recommended: 1. Creating greater transparency in the operation 2. Enhancing innovation and expanding new knowledge development 3. Listening more to public voices.


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How to Cite

Chalayonnavin, A. (2023). People’s Attitudes Towards the National Defense Roles of the Royal Thai Armed Forces. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 31(1), 182–213. Retrieved from



Research Article