“Online Vigilantism”: Violence, Power and Conflict


  • Khemasorn Nukao Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Vigilantism, Online vigilantism


This article aims to create knowledge about “Online Vigilantism”, drawing on information from studying conventional vigilantism, which then expands into online vigilantism. The Internet is an important tool which allows vigilantism to evolve into online spaces. Online vigilantism can be divided into 3 categories: 1. Real-life offences attracting online opprobrium 2. Online offences attracting online opprobrium, and 3. Real-life crime being investigated online. There are 4 types of online vigilantism according to degrees of violence: flagging, investigating, hounding, and organized leaking. Thus, online vigilantism covers most internet user behavior. This article focuses on the macro perspective of violence, power and conflict. The research led the author to conclude that online vigilantism can be perceived as invisible violence of a symbolic nature or cultural violence, one dimension power and reflects the basis of conflict. This signifies that if injustice or wrongdoings happen online, conflict and different perceptions will occur. Social media becomes a tool to stop these behaviors. However, this study concludes that, while the violators always claim freedom of opinion and expression to counter the argument, all internet usage should be within the boundary of basic human rights and respect for other people rights should always be considered.


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How to Cite

Nukao, K. (2023). “Online Vigilantism”: Violence, Power and Conflict. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 31(1), 274–313. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/263616