The study on development in social skill of disabled student at Watklangkret school : A case study of Fueng-fah Home for Persons with Disabilities Protection and Development, Nonthaburi Province


  • นัสรินทร์ แซสะ สถานคุ้มครองและพัฒนาคนพิการบ้านเฟื่องฟ้า


Children with Disabilities, Social Skill


Objective of the study on development in social skill of disabled student at Watklangkret school : A case study of Fueng-fah Home for Persons with Disabilities Protection and Development, Nonthaburi Province was to study development in social skill of children with disabilities who study at school. Researcher collect data by interviewing a teacher and two disabled students. The findings was two disabled students able to study and engage in school activity with the other students. However disabled student does not have a good skill in money expense. Giving a chance to disabled student to learn social skill is the creation of immunization since the childhood which lead them to live normally with the others in society. When they are grow up as adult, they can chose to stay in protection and development institution or independent living by their own. They can have their own occupation, continue higher education, conduct activity with self confident, self esteem, and not a burden to society.


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สถานคุ้มครองและพัฒนาคนพิการบ้านเฟื่องฟ้า, ฝ่ายสวัสดิการสงเคราะห์, งานทะเบียนและข้อมูล“ทะเบียนประวัติเด็ก ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2561 ” 2561




How to Cite

แซสะ น. (2019). The study on development in social skill of disabled student at Watklangkret school : A case study of Fueng-fah Home for Persons with Disabilities Protection and Development, Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Social Synergy, 9(3), 34–47. Retrieved from



Research Report