Service Innovation of Hotel Industry in Thailand

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Thada Samani


           Innovation is the significant strategy to create differences in hotel industry. It is about creating, developing, improving pattern and process to new services to satisfy customers who are always change and based on the willingness to provide better quality services. The companies focus on creating and providing innovation as a service which will impact on the revenue of the company. However, the innovation in the service will not be as obvious as other innovative products. By observing and getting information from places to analyze and improve the service which technology might be involved. Innovation in industrial service is divided to 4 categories: management innovation, communication innovation, service range innovation and support innovation. In addition, most of service innovation always in the form of serving customers or consumers such as bringing up information technology to serve customers, emphasizing on products or services reviews online, sending emails to show the appreciation to customers for using the service,  public relation, presenting new promotions: free internet in the room or hotel area, limousine service, support smart TV, more channels to contact to customers via social media,  complementary drinks: Thai style (Thai herb juice), collecting points for some prizes etc.

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How to Cite
Samani, T. (2019). Service Innovation of Hotel Industry in Thailand. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 14(1), 103–110. retrieved from
Academic Article


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