The Motivational Model of Job Performance for Five-Star Hotel Employees between Thailand and Myanmar through Cross-Cultural Management

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Aunchistha Poo-Udom
Supasit Lertbuasin


          The purpose of this research was to find a factor affecting the motivational model in cross-cultural management between Thailand expatriate managers and five-star hotel employees in Myanmar. This research utilized the qualitative approach by a semi-structured interview with fifteen managers of hotels in Thailand and five managers of hotels in Myanmar. The results found that the motivational factors consist of psychological and social factors. Psychological factors include the four variables of working conditions, achievement, relationship with colleagues, and relationship with managers, and social factors include five variables of social security insurance, participation in decision making, company policy, social recognition, and social life opportunities. Motivational factors have a direct positive relationship with cross-cultural adjustment which includes interaction adjustment and work adjustment, and an indirect positive relationship with job performance. Cross-cultural adjustment is positively related to the job performance of employees in a five-star hotel efficiency and quality of work.

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Poo-Udom, A. ., & Lertbuasin, S. . (2021). The Motivational Model of Job Performance for Five-Star Hotel Employees between Thailand and Myanmar through Cross-Cultural Management. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 17(1), 77–94. retrieved from
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