Public Participation in the Community Relations Development Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok


  • พัทธดนย์ สุภานันท์ วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม
  • รัฐบุรุษ คุ้มทรัพย์ หลักสูตรรัฐประศาสนศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม


Participation, Community relations development, Bangkok Yai District


         The purpose of this research was to 1) participate in the development of community relations in Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok; and 2) compare participation in the development of community relations in Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok. This research was a quantitative research. The population used in this research was the representative households in the community relations. Wat Tha Phra Subdistrict, Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok, they were 108 people. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance and compare each pair with the chef's method. 
This study results showed that 1) the participation of people in community relations development in Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok. Most of them were at the moderate level. When considered individually, it was found that the evaluation with the highest average, followed by the receipt of benefits. Operational aspects and decision-making. 2) The results of comparing people’s participation in community relations development. Bangkok Yai District Bangkok found that the people of Bangkok Yai District Bangkok, with gender, age, education level and different occupations. Participating in community relations development in Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok. Overall and individually were no different. This study results can be used as a guideline for development to create public participation in the relations development in Wat Tha Phra Sub-district, Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok


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How to Cite

สุภานันท์ พ., & คุ้มทรัพย์ ร. . . (2022). Public Participation in the Community Relations Development Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok. วารสารวิชาการ วิจัย และนวัตกรรม มสธ. (มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์) (ออนไลน์), 2(1), 42–51. Retrieved from



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