ความรู้และพฤติกรรมการสวมหมวกนิรภัยของผู้ขับขี่รถจักรยานยนต์ ในเขตอำเภอเมืองสมุทรสาคร จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร


  • นรเดช ธนศุภโภคิน Master of Public Administration Program, Siam Technology College
  • รัฐบุรุษ คุ้มทรัพย์ Master of Public Administration Program, Siam Technology College


Knowledge, Behavior, Wearing a helmet


       The purpose of this research was to study 1) to study the knowledge of motorcycle riders on wearing helmets. of motorcycle users in the Mueang Samut Sakhon District area Samut Sakhon Province 2) To study the helmet-wearing behavior of motorcycle riders among motorcycle users in the Mueang Samut Sakhon District area. Samut Sakhon Province and 3) to study and compare the helmet-wearing behavior of motorcycle riders among motorcycle users in the Mueang Samut Sakhon District area. Samut Sakhon Province classified by gender, age, education level, occupation, and length of time driving a motorcycle. It is quantitative research. The population used in this research is motorcycle riders who have registered motorcycles. In the area of Mueang Samut Sakhon District The researcher determined the sample by using Yamane's ready-made table, which was obtained from a sample of 394 people. Statistics used in data analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, standard deviation. and t test and one-way analysis of variance and compare each pair using Scheffe's method.
       The results of the study found that: 1) Knowledge of wearing helmets of motorcycle riders in Mueang Samut Sakhon District. Samut Sakhon Province as a whole is at a moderate level.                2) Safety helmet wearing behavior of motorcycle rider in the area of Mueang Samut Sakhon District Samut Sakhon Province Overall, it is at a high level.          3) Results of comparing helmet-wearing behavior of motorcycle riders in Mueang Samut Sakhon District. Samut Sakhon Province Classified by personal characteristics factors, it was found that gender, age, education level and different occupations have knowledge and behavior regarding wearing helmets of motorcycle riders in the Mueang Samut Sakhon District area. Samut Sakhon Province as a whole is no different. As for people with different periods of driving motorcycles, there is knowledge and behavior in wearing helmets for motorcycle riders. In the area of Mueang Samut Sakhon District Samut Sakhon Province found that the majority of people who ride motorcycles are male and spend more than 10 hours riding motorcycles, causing different behavior in wearing helmets.


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How to Cite

ธนศุภโภคิน น. ., & คุ้มทรัพย์ ร. (2023). ความรู้และพฤติกรรมการสวมหมวกนิรภัยของผู้ขับขี่รถจักรยานยนต์ ในเขตอำเภอเมืองสมุทรสาคร จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร. วารสารวิชาการ วิจัย และนวัตกรรม มสธ. (มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์) (ออนไลน์), 3(2), 107–125. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/InnovationStou/article/view/253648



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