Guidelines for the Development of Competency Group Engineers in the Asset Management of ABC Company


  • ฐาปนี ช้างแรงการ คณะวิทยาการจัดการ สถาบันการจัดการปัญญาภิวัฒน์
  • วิเชศ คำบุญรัตน์


Engineers, Individual Development Plan, Career path


Objectives of this research were 1) To study the competence of the engineering group. Asset Management. The target groups used in the research consisted of Group 1, executives in the position of Assistant Department Managers, totaling 5 persons, and Group 2, Employees of Engineer Group. The property management section of the branch shop consists of 6 people, divided into 3 phases: Phase 1 Determination of the competency of the engineering team In order to know the need for functional competence (Functional Competency) Phase 2 Assessment of the engineering team's competency to know the gap in the functional competency (Functional Competency) that must be developed Phase 3 Defining guidelines Development of the competence of the engineering team, 2) To formulate an individual development plan (Individual Development Plan-IDP).The development guidelines will use the format 70:20:10, which is 70% = self-learning. Self-learning / Assignment / On the job Training 20% ​​= Coaching & Mentoring and 10% = Training (Training) 
The results showed that 1) Engineer Group as for property management, there are 6 branches, 5 of them whose performance evaluation scores are lower than expected behavior level. which must prepare an Individual Development Plan (IDP) 2) Functional Competency. The performance that needs to be developed the most is Inventory management, followed by management, monitoring and inspection of equipment maintenance within the branch store; and 3) The development guidelines for the engineering team can use the development model 70:20:10


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How to Cite

ช้างแรงการ ฐ., & คำบุญรัตน์ ว. . . (2022). Guidelines for the Development of Competency Group Engineers in the Asset Management of ABC Company. วารสารวิชาการ วิจัย และนวัตกรรม มสธ. (มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์) (ออนไลน์), 2(1), 52–62. Retrieved from



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