- Participatory on Organizing Civil Forum in Preserving Canal Lines of Phra Phimon Racha Canal.
Main Article Content
This research aims to 1) strengthen the community organizations' capacities to coordinate cooperation and maintain water quality in the Phra Phimon Racha Canal, 2) promote and push community organizations to create innovations in water quality restoration and care through appropriate technology, and 3) to support the community in organizing cultural activities in the canal area communities and the public can learn the benefits of canal maintenance concretely. It is a Participatory Action Research (PAR). Research tools include evaluation forms of field participatory observation. A target group is the villager researcher from community leaders as volunteers. The data collected from the Observation form Let us do a content analysis of the qualitative target group and then use the information gathered from interviews. The research results showed community organizations' potential to cooperate to maintain water quality. Community leaders and representatives of communities, including organizations/agencies in the area, to gain potential in knowledge, skills, attitudes, self-concept, traits, and motivation for working together to maintain water quality. The community has developed and created innovations to restore and care for water quality in the Phra Phimon Racha Canal, namely grease traps and green tanks. Moreover, organizing cultural activities to maintain canals. For example, the community had traditionally held boat races and fish coop farming to increase income.
Article Details
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