Guidelines for Developing Management Skills of School Administrators under Khonkaen Primary Education Service Area Office 2

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Kittiyapon Polnikay
Chayakan Ruangsuwan


The aims of this study were 1) to study the current condition, desirable condition and the principal needs of the management skills of school administrators. 2) to study the management skills development guidelines of school administrators, the study was divided into 2 phases, Phase 1: studied the current condition, desirable condition and the principal needs of the management skills of school administrators by stratified random sampling method from the 321 administrators and teachers as the group of samples. The research tool was a questionnaire, the consensus index was 0.80-1.00, the current condition questionnaire was 0.95, and the desirable condition questionnaire was 0.95. Phase 2: the management skills development guidelines of school administrators from experts with a tool: the interview form, after all, analyze the information from the interview forms for doing descriptive presentation.       The results of this study found that 1) the current condition of management skills development guidelines of school administrators in general and each aspect was at a moderate level 2) the desirable condition of the management skills development guidelines of school administrators as a whole and in each aspect was at the highest level 3) the principal needs for the management skills development guidelines of school administrators are in order from highest to lowest; technical skills, human skills, visionary skills and conceptual skills; 4) management skills development guidelines of school administrators 4.1) in term of technical skills found 8 development guidelines 4.2) in  term of human skills found 7 development guidelines 4.3) in term of visionary skills found 5 development guidelines and 4.4) conceptual skills found 5 development guidelines.

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How to Cite
Polnikay, K., & Ruangsuwan, C. (2024). Guidelines for Developing Management Skills of School Administrators under Khonkaen Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Journal of Association of Professional Development of Educational Administration of Thailand (JAPDEAT), 6(4), 337–352. retrieved from
Research Articles


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