Geraldine for the Development of Information System and Network Administration in Khlongnamlai School Group Under the Office of Kamphaeng Phet Primary Education Area 2
Development approach, System administration and information network, Klong Nam Lai School GroupAbstract
Objective 1) To study the condition and problems of system administration and information network of educational institutions in the Klong Nam Lai School group under the Primary Education District Office, Kamphaeng Phet Area 2 2) to find ways to develop system administration and information network of Schools in Klong Nam Lai School Group Under the primary education district office, Kamphaeng Phet Area 2, the population used in this study was 10 school administrators, 118 teachers and 17 experts were used. The instrument used a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed with m, s percent statistics and content analysis.
The research results were found that
- Results of the study of the management of the educational system and information network of educational institutions. The side with a high average is 49.53 Presentation and side part dissemination of information and information network survey with the least mean 30.79
- Results from the study of problems of overall information system administration and network. There is a Maximum average m= 3.38. The side with a higher average m= 3.70 is Information network system survey
- Guidelines for developing information system and network management is to encourage. Information systems and networks for use in education management. Covering all 4 aspects of teaching and learning management And used as a medium for learning management for students.
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