The Participatory Administration Guidelines for Knowledge Management of Schools in Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province
Administration, Knowledge Management, Participatory, guidelinesAbstract
The purposes of the research were to study the condition and guidelines of Participative Management of Knowledge Management of School in Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province. The population for this research were school administrators, teachers, school board members and educational supervisors with total 391 people. The tools used to collect data were questionnaires, interview forms and group meeting data recording forms. The qualitative data were analyzed from descriptive content and summary.
The results were as follows:
1.The condition of Participative Management of Knowledge Management of School in Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province found that overall was moderate. When considered each step, find that there was low level on creating and seeking knowledge due to lack of supporting budget. Moreover, seminar and training held on holiday which causes teachers to lack enthusiasm in seeking new knowledge. The other 6 steps which included indication of knowledge, systematic knowledge management, knowledge processing and screening, access to knowledge, sharing and exchanging knowledge and learning, were moderate.
- 2. Guidelines of Participative Management of Knowledge Management of School in Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province were as follows:
2.1 School administrators should be leaders in conducting meetings of action plans related to the identification of knowledge. In addition, School administrators should offer opportunities for teachers and school board members to plan, make decisions, and implement action plans that are relevant to the identification of knowledge, and also must follow up on the results of the action plan.
2.2 School administrators should be leaders in self-development. School administrators planed together with teachers to set up a calendar to encourage teachers to create and seek new knowledge. Moreover, school administrators should listen to ideas and brainstorm to improve. Encourage teachers to develop new innovations and follow up on innovation.
2.3 School administrators should planned meetings, decided to appoint working groups. School administrators invited information technology speakers to train teachers on systematic knowledge management and encouraged teachers to take action to perform systematic knowledge management, then followed up the results.
2.4 School administrators should be joint leaders with teachers in the planning, decision-making, examination of knowledge. Working group were appointed to support the use of technology media which assisting in the processing and filtering of knowledge. School administrators then followed up the results, revise and update knowledge to be up to date.
2.5 School administrators should appoint working group. School administrators invited information technology speakers to train for knowledge access using information technology. Moreover, school administrators supported teachers to publicize new information. School administrators then monitored resource allocation results.
2.6 School administrators together with teachers, school board members planed and decided to create a professional learning community (PLC). School administrators encouraged everyone to participate in activities to share knowledge, supported teachers to have their own best practicet (BEST). In addition, school administrators supported and followed up the construction of websites for teachers to share knowledge.
2.7 School administrators together with teachers, school board members decided to create Professional Learning Community (PLC) every month. School administrators promoted the Coaching and Mentoring system and supported the staff to attend training and seminars. School administrators followed up the creation of a learning organization.
KEYWORDS : Participative Management; Knowledge Management
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