The development of a system and mechanism for driving the quality standard control of durian Long Lab Lae and Lin Lab Lae varieties in Uttaradit province: A case study of Ban Dan Na Kham
System and Mechanism, Management, Quality Standards, Long Lab Lae and Lin Lab LaeAbstract
This is the research aims 1) To study the supply chain of quality management of Long Lab Lae and Lin Lab Lae. 2) To develop the standard of Long Lab Lae and Lin Lab Lae in Ban Dan Na Kham. 3) To drive and develop quality management system. The population was Konrakdurian’s members and registrants to be entrepreneurs totaling 60 people. The instrument for collecting data was an interview guide. The data collected in this research was focus on documents and research, which were In-depth interviews, action research (AR), focus group discussions and Content analysis.
The research findings were as follows:
- The supply chain of quality management of Long Lab Lae and Lin Lab Lae in Ban Dan Na Kham consists of the appearance of farmers, which had 2 types: single and group farmers. The processes of produce standardizing durian that presents good quality durian from the first to the final customer.
- By establishing a standardized management guidelines divided into 5 steps 1) The design of the durian quality management system and operation-planning 2) The working procedure that is to cooperate with the relevant parties in setting the guidelines for quality control of durian including evaluation and follow up result. 3) The system and mechanisms to control durian quality standards. 4) The prototype user who participated in quality control of Durian guideline. 5) The impact that can help to reduce number of complaints from customers as well as farm income.
The result of the development of a system and mechanism for driving the quality standard of durian can be applied to all stakeholders; farmers, sellers and buyers in Uttaradit province.
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