The use of cooking activities to promote pre - brain skills development of early childhood
Cooking Activities, Executive Function, Frontal brain, Early Childhood, 21stcentury learnerAbstract
Cooking activities for early childhood is an activity that connects the learning process scientifically promoting early childhood brain skills to have EF or Executive Function skills through observation, experiment, touch and hands-on learning cause the development of children holistically. The cooking activities can develop children in all 4 areas, Physically develop small muscles to pick up things, Emotional and psychological makes it possible to enjoy things that do social work. Listen to other people's opinions from planning activities. and intellectual Conceptualization and correction situational problems. Each of these developmental areas can be best developed at the age of 3-6 years, when children are most ready to learn from their surroundings, making them think, plan, and solve problems according to their age. Real situation in this regard, the development of frontal brain skills for early childhood for life is accomplished. Each process of the culinary activity has important implications for promoting EF skills at every stage of the activity. Children are fully developed in all 9 areas of EF skills. Which can be applied in daily life Build a healthy and successful life immunity that makes children Happiness lies in a transforming society in the 21st century where 21st century learners will need to develop skills known as 3R8C and 2LS, which are essential skills for future learning.
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