A Study of Demographic and Social Factors Affecting Spending Behavior Patterns: A Comparison between Elderly Thais and Chinese


  • Pienjai Phothavorn
  • Pornthip Tantivisethsak University


Elderly individuals, Spending behavior patterns, Demographic factors


          The objectives of this research are 1) to study the spending behavior patterns of elderly Thais and Chinese, 2) to examine the demographic and social factors that influence the spending behavior patterns of elderly Thais and Chinese, and 3) to compare the factors influencing the spending behavior patterns between elderly Thais and Chinese, considering 12 demographic factors and 3 social factors. The study sample consists of 400 individuals, with 200 elderly Thais and 200 elderly Chinese. Descriptive and multiple regression analyses compare and predict factors influencing the spending behavior patterns of elderly Thais and Chinese individuals.

          The study found that elderly Thais and Chinese have similar spending behaviors, with four of the top five spending categories being the same, including food/beverage expenses, savings, investments, and travel/entertainment expenses. Regarding demographic factors, monthly income levels positively affect almost all expenses, except tuition fees, which do not affect elderly Thais and Chinese, at a significance level of 0.05. However, there is only one social factor affecting spending behaviors: attitude, which negatively affects the spending behavior patterns of elderly Chinese individuals, particularly in food/beverage expenses and healthcare/medicine.This research provides recommendations for relevant government agencies, private sectors, and the elderly themselves.


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How to Cite

Phothavorn, P., & Tantivisethsak, P. (2024). A Study of Demographic and Social Factors Affecting Spending Behavior Patterns: A Comparison between Elderly Thais and Chinese. Lampang Rajabhat University Journal, 13(1), 24–36. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLPRU/article/view/272346


