Knowledge Management in Educational Institutions by Sikkha

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ณัฐญา พลเสน


This article aims to analyze the knowledge management approach of the Institute of Education in Thailand. According to studies, it has been found that Educational institutions in Thailand need a creative action plan at three levels: the baptismal level. The institution must develop the behavioral pattern of the educational personnel who are responsible for the change and can determine the desirable behavior of the learner. To develop an effective internal communication system. Can reach the feelings and persuade ideas, attitudes and feelings, love the organization of personnel and learners. And intellectual level Educational institutions must be self-directed. With the development of the potential application of modern technology, the ability to create learning skills in the modern world.

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How to Cite
พลเสน ณ. (2017). Knowledge Management in Educational Institutions by Sikkha. MCU Haripunchai Review, 1(1), 64–73. Retrieved from
Academic article


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