The Study of the Current Transformation of Buddhist Temples : Chiang Mai Province

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พระประกฤษฏ์ จริยา
ศิริพงษ์ มาณะศรี


The objective of this research was to study the changes of Buddhist temples management from the past to present. Using a qualitative method of study, the research was done through literature study, data collection from documents, facts finding and data analysis from in-depth interviews conducted in area of study, Chiangmai. The target group were comprised of knowledgeable people, senior monks  and certain people who were related to Buddhism, chosen by  purposive sampling technique. The result of the study showed changes from the Buddhist monks hierarchy ruling and temples administration for the Abbot to have the authority to manage according the rules and regulations decreed by the Buddha himself to the present administration under the Sangha Act and Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand. For religious propagation, in the past it had been through pilgrimage and providing sermons, a private promulgation. At present the mission runs with the assistance of technology. Buddhism study which were more toward the fair disciplines of Buddha and doctrines experiences of previous religious gurus and senior monks, now had changed to both of literature study and conservation and enlightenment through meditation including the secular study according to the changing society which is not against the Sangha Act. Education aid part showed however no difference from ages to current; Buddhist monks have continuously providing support in education to public. Public Utilities; temple construction and development, location, surrounded environment, public utilities system were formerly not part of Buddhist Monks' responsibility but rather fall under the faithful Buddhists. Current time, the Sangha Act assigned these tasks to the Abbot and the clergy. Public Aids, the temples play a big role to community and its local people; being an institute, a foster home, a health center, a tourist attraction, Art and Cultural Center, A place that gather respects, faith and beliefs till now. Suggestion for modernized temples administration is for all involving parties, the clergy, government and public sectors to contribute and take part in the Abbot selection in every steps.        

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How to Cite
จริยา พ., & มาณะศรี ศ. (2017). The Study of the Current Transformation of Buddhist Temples : Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 1(2), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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