Patience : Training Process of Student Success

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ณัฐญา พลเสน


This article aims to analyze the training process of educational achievement of learners in Thailand. According to studies, it has been found that In Thailand, the risk of educational quality can not be a strong indicator of social success. This reflects the entrepreneur's perspective that the student's graduation is inconsistent and unable to work under pressure on a viable job. It is imperative that the process of developing and practicing potentials be based on tolerance in accordance with skills. Stage 1: Training in Challenges and Challenges. Stage 2: Training in the High Stakes and supporting the use of force for the purpose. Step 3: Training to overcome the mental state to strengthen the words, scorn and disdain.

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How to Cite
พลเสน ณ. (2017). Patience : Training Process of Student Success. MCU Haripunchai Review, 1(2), 47–57. Retrieved from
Academic article


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