Educational Management: Problems and Development of the National Education System

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พระมหาสายันต์ ถิรปญฺโญ (ชาญชาติ)


This paper aims to analyze problem management systems and guidelines for developing national education systems. According to studies, it has been found that the problem of educational management system is complicated because of the administrative process in many aspects, such as budget and education policy of the government, the educational Programs, Teachers and educational personnel, Modern technology, access to educational rights, and the integration of custom and local. Consequently, the government should: 1. Develop a system of education management at the provincial level in every province and stander size. 2. Decentralize the transfer of educational mission to the local government organization. 3. Abolish the ranking assessment of Thai university. 4. The Development of teachers and educational personnel proficiency, as found in the number of quality report. 5. The Develop local curriculum 6. Increase the number and importance of teachers in rural areas and 7. Increase the importance of primary education

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How to Cite
ถิรปญฺโญ (ชาญชาติ) พ. (2018). Educational Management: Problems and Development of the National Education System. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(1), 46–58. Retrieved from
Academic article


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