The development of teaching skills of new teachers in Thailand 4.0.

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สัญญา พงษ์ศรีดา


This article aims to analyze the ways to develop skills of teachers and education personnel in the context of the modern world called Thailand 4.0. It is the found that teaching problem of teachers and educational personnel is that they do not have enough teaching skills and knowledge transfer to the learners. This problem became of Thai education and lead to the education quality development; which are the development of teaching skills of teachers and educational personnel, the development of production skills and application of modern technology, Communication Skills, Life skills, creativity, stimulation skills, research skill, and development skills for learners.

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How to Cite
พงษ์ศรีดา ส. (2019). The development of teaching skills of new teachers in Thailand 4.0. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(1), 73–82. Retrieved from
Academic article


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