Administrative ethics in the view of philosophers

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ไพศาล เครือแสง


Ethics is very important to human life, to live together in society and nation until the coexistence of the world society. If human beings in any society have similar moral virtue. If the population of the country is not ethical, then it is difficult to develop the country to prosper. Peace and stability. Ethics is about the principle of good conduct, It is a system of norms and human values, based on the beliefs of human beings. It involves the rules, civilization, rituals and rituals that lead to the regulation of the rules of the people in society. The main idea, Ethics in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Modern philosophy, Contemporary philosophy, Ethics of India -  China and Ethics in Thai academics. Conclusion Ethics is the foundation of human life for Conduct in a peaceful society.

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เครือแสง ไ. (2019). Administrative ethics in the view of philosophers. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(2), 23–38. Retrieved from
Academic article


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