FIVE PRECEPTS TO SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาพระนครศรีอยุธยา เขต 1

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พระครูพิพัฒน์ ศาสนกิจจาทร
ปิยวรรณ หอมจันทร์


At the present, there are many problems in Buddhism affairs like faith crisis makes confusing in Buddhism to general Buddhists, especially, the faith to Buddhist monks who behave well and believable. Due to majority of Buddhists is not reach to the core religion that is Dhamma , but stick with Buddha image and monks as refuge, especially, the popular monks. But when it has the bad news, it will destroy and shake the faith of Buddhism for Buddhists. At the present crisis of religion appear to Buddhist society clearly that to use the principle of Dhamma in Buddhism as universal principle such as five precepts to solve the crisis that to create and develop the role of Buddhism organization including to keep the morality and ethics including to promote the happy and creative society creation sustainably.

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ศาสนกิจจาทร พ., & หอมจันทร์ ป. (2019). FIVE PRECEPTS TO SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาพระนครศรีอยุธยา เขต 1. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(2), 68–77. Retrieved from
Academic article


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