Natkarnthamtham and the development of their own potential

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ปิ่นปินัทธ์ เหลืองพิทักษ์


In modern times, people focus on seeking refuge for themselves. Some rely on people. Some rely on things that can be hold as a refuge for themselves. So that they will experience happiness, success as intended. However, dependence on things cannot truly be relied on. In Buddhism, it has said that "Attahi attanonatho" means that one is self-reliant. The development of their own better potential in order to achieve the goal of success and physical happiness must start at their own pace, not from others or anything else. Therefore, one must start from adjusting the mind to be ready to fully develop and pull out their potential. The success begins by preparing one-self as a curious person and develop own skills all the time, change one-self in terms of thoughts, actions, knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes. With more work efficiency helping one-self to be happy, prosperous and beneficial to one-self and society. The development from the inside to the outside started by changing their attitude and develop behavior to be appropriate by using the 10 principles of Nāthakarana-dhamma to be a guideline for self-development. The use of Nāthakarana-dhamma to promote self-reliance, both as a way of life and a way of psychological dependence will help promote happiness according to their status, have a good family, have a good career, succeed in the job, have a good friend or be surrounded by good people, good society, experiencing happiness and success in life.

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How to Cite
เหลืองพิทักษ์ ป. (2019). Natkarnthamtham and the development of their own potential. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(1), 78–88. Retrieved from
Academic article


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