การบริหารอำนาจตามแนวพุทธในระบบการปกครองแบบธรรมรัฐ Buddhist administrative powers in A state fair

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เอกมงคล โกศล เพ็ชรวงษ์


The study of Buddhist power for the management in this government system Is a way to take care of the state in various fields. The Management of human beings to be fair and orderly Buddhism. It means government for an education it is a rule that causes peace and order from the government Of Pracharat who lives in the land, which has divided by 3 concepts: (1) politics (2) social and (3) economic

"Dharma state" is a rule by the principle that the king and the leader of government must adhere to as a practice. Meanwhile it is to be suitable for being in the modern times, namely, the Principles of Dhamma,  Rajabhat 10, Empire12, Rajasangkahavatdu, Object 4, Prejudice 4, it used to be for the leaders and the principles that gathering together in both the same class

As for the principle of the state as a democratic development for Thai society. We can see that for Thai society, there are 3 main problems, namely, civil, political and bureaucracy. The application of democratic tools in Thai society can be applied in 4 ways:

1 Principles of Dharma state is a self-control physical, words and mind in the correct and desirable way of the society

2 Principles of Dharma State Is a self-development, changing or elevation of the mind and behavior. It is to be appropriate and what the democratic society expects

3 Principles of Dharma State is an internal audit tool for people to think, review, and ponder, examine their own behaviors, both past and present, in the framework of the state principle. In order to ensure the correctness, goodness, and birth of one's own life and less mistakes

4 Principles of Dharma State is an external inspection that is the method of examination by external auditors may be other persons or agencies according to the framework. Dharma State are governed by democracy have shown responsibility for what they do




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How to Cite
เพ็ชรวงษ์ เ. โ. (2019). การบริหารอำนาจตามแนวพุทธในระบบการปกครองแบบธรรมรัฐ Buddhist administrative powers in A state fair. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(2), 52–64. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/202936
Academic article


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