Buddhist Virtues in Political Sciences

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phisarn khrusang.


Buddhism's principles of Buddhism are an anchor in government administration for performing their duties, used as a guideline for the development of the governing body on the implementation of the Buddhist teachings of Buddhism in coexistence in society regime Buddhism, how to rule that is consistent with the basic political principles,  for example Buddhism is the foundation of government, giving priority to living together in a society like happiness, moral development of parents is the starting point from of the Dhammādhipateyya (the supremacy of righteousness) is Goodness to the strengthen harmony and fellowship in society, in addition, the concept of Buddhism also helps to preserve the environment foe Five Precept and the noble eightfold path, and leading to the awakening process is Buddhist politics and a good government and a good citizen by rely on moral behavior and interaction with others, for the benefit of many people accepted and satisfied by all parties in society provide benefits to both themselves and others in living together in society and in peace.

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How to Cite
khrusang., phisarn. (2019). Buddhist Virtues in Political Sciences. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(2), 65–79. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/203736
Academic article


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