The Development of the Potential of the Community for Historical Tourism, Phasali District Nakhon Sawan Province

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phisarn khrusang.


 The purpose of this research To study the community potential for archaeological tourism in Phaisali district NakhonSawan Province to study the guidelines for the development of community potential for archaeological tourism in Phaisali District, Nakhon Sawan Province. It is a qualitative research using participatory action research techniques. Select a specific research area Data were collected from 20 key informants, selected from a panel of experts. Experts and stakeholders With a group of key informants consisting of community leaders Folk philosopher Social organization groups. Interview. In-Depth Interview. Participatory meetings. training workshop Group conversation Community forum Tools for collecting data were structured in-depth interviews. Data were collected by face to face interview. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods.

          The results are as follows.

  1. The development of the potential of the community for historical tourism, : The research found that Community potential for archaeological tourism Are ready for community development for archaeological tourism in the area With learning sources, ways of life, customs and traditions local knowledge Environmentally friendly people in the area There are various basic service facilities. Necessary for tourists and good systems Both in management Accommodation, nutrition, safety, tourism activities, favorable environment Value added aspects Marketing promotion Culture, local traditions Within the standard criteria There is an awareness of the management of resources in the community.

  2. Guidelines for the development of community potential for historical tourism in the area : Guidelines for capacity development in the development of ancient sites for tourism. Determine the attractions of tourism, both concrete Build and cultivate Pride and shared ownership Have love and pride in the culture, wisdom and local heritage Facilitating and providing basic tourism services for tourists, food, accommodation, safety, access to tourism activities But must consider environment mainly Accessing tourism information based on ancient sites at Has a historical meaning Tourism compound Traffic rules Is a guideline to develop the potential for the development of ancient sites for tourism


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How to Cite
khrusang., phisarn. (2019). The Development of the Potential of the Community for Historical Tourism, Phasali District Nakhon Sawan Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(2), 35–45. Retrieved from
Research Article


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