A Study of the Tradition of Dhamma Practice in Hory Buddhist Day of Lanna Buddhists

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พระดนัย ชยฺยเมธี (ไชยมี)


Research study "A Study of the Tradition of Dhamma Practice in Hory Buddhist Day of Lanna Buddhists" The researchers objectives: (1) to study the Dharma practice of the Buddhists in Buddhism (2) to study the tradition of Dhamma practice on the Buddha's Lanna Day, and (3) to analyze the practice of Dharma. On the Buddhist monk's day in Lanna This research study is a qualitative research, researching data from documents. And data collection in the field.

The results of the research showed that

(1)Dharma practice of Buddhists in Buddhism There is a history since the era. It is a practice by utilizing to benefit in real life. Make a good life happy Practices are organized into principles such as Sikkha or education which are separated into precepts, meditation, and wisdom, called Sikkha. Dharma practices are also called Vipassana meditation practices. It is the enlightenment, insight, and wisdom, until seeing the actual conditions of the law of the Trinity. Vipassana practice It is the practice of the 4 principles of consciousness.

(2)To study the tradition of Dhamma practice on the Buddha's Day in Lanna Dharma practice on Buddha's day Namely sleep at the temple Or holding the Ubosot, as a tradition, every day. Up 8 or 15 nights, which is called the day of the precepts, coinciding with the central precepts. Perform throughout the Buddhist Lent period There is a form of meditation practice consisting of 1) falling the rosary It is one tool to make Dharma practitioners have a peaceful mind. By paying respects to the monks and then lifting the rosary on his neck and lifting the rosary on his head Then set the prayer to reduce the rosary between the chest By using the right thumb, counting one by one until 108 children, 2) meditation, meditation, 3) walking meditation, 4) evening chanting, and 5) chanting on Buddha's day, two types of prayers are 1. ) Prayer of prayer In addition to standard chanting, there are 30 acts of worship and 2) general chanting.

(3) In the analysis of the tradition of Dhamma practice in the Lanna Day of Buddhists Found that practicing Dharma in Buddhism There are 2 types of meditation or prayer, which are 1) Sompathawana, meditation, and 2) Vipassana meditation. Enlightenment to the true insight In practice in the Lanna At present, there is an application of traditional religious practices. Use blends with new formats.

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How to Cite
ชยฺยเมธี (ไชยมี) พ. . (2020). A Study of the Tradition of Dhamma Practice in Hory Buddhist Day of Lanna Buddhists. MCU Haripunchai Review, 4(1), 30–39. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/244793
Research Article


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