Quality Expectation and Service Perception of Silpakorn University Students Phetchaburi Information Technology Campus That has to use the passenger van service

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ปิยาภรณ์ ชินวงค์พรหม


This research study is quantitative research. The objectives are 1) to study the personal characteristics that affect the expectation of quality and value of service. 2) To study the expectations of passengers Quality of service And the value of the service received from the passenger van service Silpakorn University Phetchaburi Campus and 3) To study the relationship between expectations of service quality And the expectation of the perceived value of the passenger service on the use of the passenger van service of Silpakorn University students Phetchaburi Information Technology Campus.Data were collected by questionnaires. From a sample of 400 students, the statistics used for analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. And one-way analysis of variance. And Pearson's correlation.

            The results showed that 1) Most of the samples were female, aged between 20-21 years, studying in Year 4 of the Faculty of Management Science.  The average monthly income is 5,000-8,000 baht. Frequency of usage 1 time per month 2) The level of expectations towards the use of passenger vans  Was at a high level, averaging a total of 4.29, with the highest expectation being the expectation that a passenger van would look perfectly safe before boarding the service. The quality of service received by passengers was at a high level, averaging a total of 3.71              by  The service quality that passengers receive the most is a response to personal needs well.       Value of service received by passengers is at a high level, averaging a total of 3.80 by you.           The service that passengers receive the most money from the service van.  Is suitable.

            Personal characteristics affect expectations in all aspects. Except for the age.And the frequency of using the service. That didn't find any difference. In addition, personal features affect the quality of service.  And affecting the value of the services that passengers receive in all aspects .Except for gender and age .Which did not find a statistically significant difference while the expectation of passengers towards the use of passenger vans . Had the highest relationship with service quality (r = .525), followed by the relationship between expectations and service values ​​(r = .511) and the service quality and service values ​​of passenger vans (r = .853) respectively

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How to Cite
ชินวงค์พรหม ป. . (2020). Quality Expectation and Service Perception of Silpakorn University Students Phetchaburi Information Technology Campus That has to use the passenger van service. MCU Haripunchai Review, 4(1), 50–62. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/244795
Research Article


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