Components of the street food consumption attitude towards the decision making behavior of street food shop around Phra Pathom Chedi of Silpakorn University students. Sanam Chan Palace Campus.

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พัชรา จูเอี่ยม


This research study is quantitative research. Its objectives are 1.To study the demographic characteristics affecting the decision making behavior of roadside restaurants around Phra Pathom Chedi 2. To study the composition of the street food consumption attitude that affects the restaurant decision making behavior Along the way of Phra Pathom Chedi. The data will be collected from a sample of 400 people In online and document forms And the data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics The value is tested By testing the chi-square statistic at the significance level of 0.05  

            The results of the research showed that Most of the respondents are female. The average age is between 21-25 years, studying in the 4th year, most of them study in the Faculty of Arts. With an average monthly income of 8,000-10,000 baht. Most respondents Use eating service about 3-5 times per month Choose food from a single dish The service period is 18.00-19.00 hrs.

. Most respondents Will come to eat about 3-5 times a month and Choose type of food is fast food. The time when the most respondents come to restaurant is from 18.00-19.00 hrs. Most of the respondents traveled to eat and dine with friends. The participants who choose to use the restaurant are friends and the cost of using the restaurant at most times is less than 100 baht.

            The hypothesis test found that Demographic factors such as gender, age, grade level, academic year Faculty and average monthly income, affect the decision to choose restaurants in Phra Pathom Chedi and the behavioral factors for deciding to use street food restaurants, such as frequency of use of services. The type of food you choose to buy Time used People who use the service regularly Those who make decision to use the service and the cost of using the service Affecting the decision to choose a restaurant near Phra Pathom Chedi.

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How to Cite
จูเอี่ยม พ. . (2020). Components of the street food consumption attitude towards the decision making behavior of street food shop around Phra Pathom Chedi of Silpakorn University students. Sanam Chan Palace Campus. MCU Haripunchai Review, 4(1), 63–76. Retrieved from
Research Article


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