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ญาดา เงินงาม


A Study Thesis of object 1) A Study of Buddha’s Dhamma for the Living of the Elderly. 2) A Study living will of the Elderly at the District Health Promotion Hospital in Baan Phangka, Chaisatan sub-district, Muang Nan District, Nan Province. 3) Propose the principles of Buddha’s Dhamma for the Living of the Elderly at the District Health Promotion Hospital in Baan Phangka, Chaisatan sub-district, Muang Nan District, Nan Province.

       Thesis’s Qualitative Method, study from Documentary Research, Field study by Interview Research and Structured Interview from, and collects data from peoples age 60 years old and over, in male 10 female 10 total 20 persons. The study indicated that:

  1. Buddhist principles for living in the elderly: Trinity Merit and compassion 3 Brahmavihara 4 and 5 precepts.

  2. 2. The living of the elderly: Daily activities, Most of them can do daily activities. And passed the criteria according to the Assessment Screening for Long Term Elderly Health Problems in the Community (ADL). Nutrition status is within the normal range According to body mass index (BMI). Health awareness and health behavior, people example group are aware that they do not have any illnesses. And know how to maintain health. Do not drink alcohol, tea coffee and not smoke. Drink water and milk, eat fish, fruits and vegetables. As for doing activities, Most of them are in the elderly, addicted to society, which is helping themselves well. Have good general health, there may be chronic non communicable diseases but can be controlled able to participate in social activities and can help others.

  3. Propose the principles of Buddha’s Dhamma for the Living of the Elderly: Daily activities, Using the principles of Buddhism, merit and compassion 3 include Prayer to pray before bed, make merit, listen to sermons and apply the principles of Dhamma in daily life, and meditate. The 5 precepts include not drinking alcohol, not smoking. Brahmavihara 4 is a good example for family members. Be a consultant in the community. Health awareness and health behavior, using the Trinity principle, namely, knowing, understanding, and preparing for the elderly, both physically, mentally, and professionally.

       The elect of applying Buddhist principles in daily life. The elderly have good physical health, strong mental health, and happiness living in a family and society, with good thinking, speaking, doing, having morality. Able to compose his body, words, and heart to remind himself of the impermanence of the body. Aware of letting go not attached to things.

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How to Cite
เงินงาม ญ. (2020). A STUDY OF BUDDHA’S DHAMMA FOR THE LIVING OF THE ELDERLY AT THE DISTRICT HEALTH PROMOTION HOSPITAL IN BAAN PHANGKA, CHAISATAN SUB-DISTRICT, MUANG NAN DISTRICT, NAN PROVINCE. MCU Haripunchai Review, 4(1), 101–114. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/244799
Research Article


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